Tatiana Andriienko Genin, D.Sc., PhD, MBA, MA

CORE Faculty Team Lead, IRB Vice Chair, Faculty Senate Member

Doctor of Sciences (Ph.D.), Intercultural Communication
Ph.D., Linguistics
MBA, International Higher Education Leadership
M.A., Education (TESOL)
Certificate, 21st-Century Teaching & Learning: Data Science, Stanford University, 2025

Mentorship and Professional Development
Course Development and Quality Assurance
On-site, Online and Hybrid Education at the Doctoral, Master and Undergraduate Levels
International Higher Education Leadership
Assessment and Accreditation
Research, Publication, Editorial Work
Language and Communication Subject Matter Expertise

Dr. Tatiana Andrienko-Genin is a distinguished professor with over two decades of higher education teaching and research, faculty mentorship, and institutional leadership. Her subject matter expertise in TESOL, new course development, quality assessment and accreditation contributed to creation of new national education standards, leading to universal English language proficiency of the new generation of Ukrainians working in a variety of fields such as hospitality, diplomacy, journalism, banking and education.

Dr. Andrienko-Genin is the author of eight books and over 70 peer-reviewed publications. She represented Westcliff University as a Session Chair, peer reviewer and presenter at international conferences of the Association for Business Communication. In addition to her mission at Westcliff, she teaches at the nations’ prestigious institutions, including a top public research university, leads international collaborative learning and research/publication projects. As a dedicated mentor, she guides faculty and students in research, professional development, and intercultural collaboration towards excellence, innovation, global perspective, collaboration and student success.