Laura Greathouse

Equity Data Instructor, Resource and Development and Academic Support, Professor of Anthropology, Riverside City College
Board Member
Dr. Greathouse received both her Doctorate and her Master of Arts in Anthropology from Binghamton University (SUNY). She received her Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Anthropology from The University of Akron, Ohio. She has taught at California State University, Fullerton and State University of New York, Binghamton. Her professional experiences include teaching TESOL courses both abroad and in the U.S for over ten years. Dr. Greathouse has also developed various exams for the Certificate of Proficiency in English.
Currently, Dr. Greathouse is Chair of Behavioral Sciences at Riverside City College. She also serves as Assessment Coordinator for her department, member of the Academic Senate, and serves on the Grants Committee. Her interests are in equity in education, linguistic revitalization movements and English for Speakers of Other Languages.