Donald Kilgore, M.B.A.

Assistant Professor
EdD, Higher Education Leadership, Walden University (ABD) In progress, 12/2019
MBA, Human Resources Management, National University, Torrey Pines, CA 1997
BBA, Human Resources Management, National University, Torrey Pines, CA 1995
AA, General Education, National University, Torrey Pines, CA 1993
Human Capital Management
Operations Management
Organizational Leadership
Professor Donald Kilgore currently is working on his Doctorate in Education, specializing in Higher Education, specifically working on his dissertation. He holds a Master of Business Administration Degree, specializing in Human Resources Management, a Bachelor of Business Administration, with a concentration in Human Resources Management, and an Associate of Arts in General Education.
Prof. Kilgore is conducting postgraduate research in Higher Education Mentorship and support as part of his Doctorate in Education (EdD).
Prof. Kilgore has served as an adjunct faculty member, Associate Professor, Area Chair, and Lead Faculty. Prof. Kilgore has taught classes in Management Theory and Practice, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Integrated Business Topics, Organizational Negotiations, Global Business Strategies, Strategic Planning and Implementation, Fundaments of Human Resources Management, Strategic and Operational Planning and Implementation, Total Compensation, Employment Law, Labor and Employee Relations, Conflict Resolution, Employee and Organizational Performance Management and Leadership. Prof. Kilgore has also assisted in the development of curriculum of Business Management and Human Capital Management at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Prof. Kilgore is retired from the U.S. Army. Prof. Kilgore spent 22 years in Supply Management and Administration. Prof. Kilgore continues to serve the US Army as a Supervisory Logistics/Administration Manager.