Sara Howe, D.B.A.

D.B.A., Liberty University, 2022
M.B.A., Benedictine University, 2014
B.S., Business Management, Rasmussen College, 2012
Strategic Planning and Management
Social Media Management
Innovative Entrepreneurship
Marketing Strategy
Dr. Howe holds a Doctor of Business Administration in Strategic Management degree, a Master of Business degree, and a Bachelor of Science in Business Management degree.
In addition to teaching college courses, Dr. Howe has managed and owned multiple businesses in the last two decades and continues to provide investing and consulting services for small business. Since conducting strategic planning investigations within the local service industry realm and publishing this current research, Dr. Howe is continuing the research opportunities by gathering data on employee wellness, company culture changes, and small business innovations since the pandemic. Publishing additional extensive research in these areas is a goal for the coming years.
Dr. Howe has served as the Head of the Bachelor’s Degree Business Program, as well as an Associate Professor of Business. Dr. Howe created a business program and designed 18 unique business courses and curriculum to execute. Dr. Howe not only designed all 18 courses, but taught each one in addition. Some of these courses included Business Management, Creativity and Innovation, Business Finance, Negotiation and Conflict Management, Marketing, Business Communications, Entrepreneurship, and Social Media Management. Dr. Howe continues to serve several master’s and doctoral students by reading and editing their research and doctoral dissertations.