Ashraf Abou Tabl, D.B.A.

Ph.D., IMSE Engineering, Big Data Analytics for Complex Systems, University of Windsor, Canada, 2019
M.S., Computer science and Engineering, Menofyia University, 2008
Software Skills Development Diploma, Information Technology Institute (ITI), 1998
B.S., Computer Engineering, Benha University, 1996
Big Data Management
Data Analytics
Data Visualization
Data Mining
Decision Support
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Knowledge Discovery
Database Management System
Data Warehousing
Design of Experiments
Factorial Design, Optimization
Operations Research
Mathematical Programming
Application of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
Manufacturing System Synthesis
Smart Manufacturing
Dr Ashraf holds a Ph.D. in Big Data Analytics for Complex Systems. A Master’s Degree in Computer science and Engineering. A Software Skills Development Diploma in Information Technology. And A Bachelor of Computer Engineering.
Dr Ashraf is easygoing, social, and professional at the same time. Everyone around Dr Ashraf likes to work with him, as he always tries his best to build bridges with his supervisors and peers. Many faculty members in the Faculty of Science, especially in the school of Computer Science (CS) know Ashraf, and some worked with him in many projects. He also familiar with the staff as well. He built excellent relationships with CS members even though he was a Ph.D. student in the Faculty of Engineer, in which he is very well known too. He is built as a leader, which can be noticed during leading the junior researchers, also by the result of holding many elective positions during his Ph.D. he served in many resolution committees such as President / VP for CUPE Local 4580 Representing GAs and TAs at University of Windsor, Director, Youth Affairs, WIA (Windsor Islamic Association).
Dr. Ashraf is always on time, honest with high maturity personality, where he always avoids conflicts and understand the others perspectives.
Dr. Ashraf has always been driven to develop his skills as a teacher. He always adapts up-to-date teaching styles and tries his best to make his lectures interesting. From using interactive slides, to bringing real life examples, and having playing-mode quizzes in app. Always eager to simplify the materials and adopt the modern tools, which makes the newer generation of students relate to his teaching style. He breaks up the complex concept into steps and create a story-like presentations. His email prompt response makes him accessible within few minutes during working times.
Dr. Ashraf has been collaborating with many professors during my Ph.D. studies till this time, he was the leader of many breast cancer analysis models to identify genomic signature for survivability using a specific therapy [1,2]. He also participated in Identifying subtype specific network-biomarkers of breast cancer survivability [6]. He also worked on Building a fully Industrial 4.0 system around the state-of-art iFactory system using cutting edge technologies such as Big Data Analysis, Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, and Deep learning.
His consistency to work on daily basis on research while ups and downs elevates his research level each upon time. He is an excellent mentor for the undergrad researchers and always direct them to a newer cutting-edge technology field.
Dr. Ashraf is an active member in the following on and off campus communities:
- Director, Social Media, IEOM (Industrial Engineering & Operations Management) UWindsor Chapter.
- Member of Windsor Cancer Research Group (WCRG).
- Member of Employment Equity Coordinating Committee (EECC).
- Member of Windsor Scout Group (WISG).