Karen Robinson, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Industrial / Organizational Psychology, Alliant International University, 2004
M.S., Organizational and Clinical Psychology, Alliant International University, 2002
B.A., Psychology, Wagner College, 2000
Human Resources
Business & Strategy
Organizational Leadership
Psychology in the Workplace
Dr. Robinson holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial / Organizational Psychology, as well as a Master’s of Science in Clinical and Organizational & Clinical Psychology. In addition, she holds a Bachelor of a Arts in Psychology.
Dr. Robinson has conducted postgraduate research in Diversity & Leadership, Assessment of Individual and Team Dynamics in the Workplace, and several other areas of motivation and engagement at work.
Dr. Robinson has served as an adjunct faculty member, senior doctoral advisor and research fellow for a variety of areas related to psychology, organizational behavior, human resources and general education. She has also advised on and contributed to curriculum and alignment to accreditation standards.