Mark Rosenbaum, Ph.D.

Ph.D., Info. Systems, Computer & Information Sciences, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL. 2015
Graduate Certification, Info. Assurance & Info. Security, Computer & Information Sciences, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL. 2010
M.S., Mgt. of Info. Systems, The George Washington University, Washington D.C., 1995
B.A., Psychology, University of South Florida – Tampa, 1989
Information Systems
Information Technology
Info. & Cyber Security – Controls Threats and Vulnerabilities
Computer Ethics, Legal & Social Responsibilities in Technology
Information Assurance & Governance
Dr. Rosenbaum holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Computer & Information System Sciences, a Graduate Certification in Information Assurance and Information Security, a Master of Science degree in the Management of Information Systems, and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology. Additionally, he holds several computer, and training certifications.
Professor Rosenbaum has also conducted research into Personally Identifiable Information, Privacy and Privacy violations, and the Unethical behaviors of IS/IT practitioner. Dr. Rosenbaum was also instrumental in creating a first of its kind metric that assess Immoral IS/IT behaviors. He has also published and has assisted in editing books. Dr. Rosenbaum is the recipient of over $140,000 in research grants and has been invited to present work at a national conference and been asked to sit on dissertation committees to assist students obtain their Ph.D. He is currently in the process of co-authoring two journal articles. Additionally, Dr. Rosenbaum has received various certifications in technology and acted as a principal owner of a technology company for over 20 years and was at one time contracted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Prof. Rosenbaum has served as an adjunct instructor, and assistant and associate professor since 2011. He has extensive experience in curriculum development and has taught classes at the undergraduate and graduate level. Some of the courses he has taught are Information Technology, Networking & Security, Cybersecurity, Information Assurance & Governance, Privacy, Computer & Internet Ethics – Law & Social Responsibility, and various Capstone courses.