Joshua Schoonover, M.Ed

Associate Director of International Affairs
M. Ed., School Counseling, University of Southern California, 2010
B.A., Psychology, Lewis & Clark College, 2006
A.A. Social & Behavioral Sciences, Citrus Community College, 2004
Josh Schoonover holds a Master in Education from the University of Southern California, a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Lewis & Clark College, and an associate’s degree in social and behavioral sciences from Citrus Community College. He is currently in the final stages of earning a Doctor of Business Administration from Westcliff University with a concentration in strategic leadership for the 21st Century.
Josh has more than 15 years of experience in education administration stretching across the primary, secondary, and university levels. He is also well-versed in direct instruction through a previous role as program chair and currently as a professor for the College of Education and the College of Business. As an avid traveler himself, Josh enjoys working with students around the world as the associate director of international affairs. Josh has been on the frontlines of Westcliff’s student-centric advising model and continues to play an instrumental role in the department’s policy development and enhancements. Education is a large part of Josh’s personal life, as well as his wife’s, who is the behavior intervention specialist for an urban school district. He is the proud father of four young children in the early stages of their own schooling. In whatever spare time he manages to find, Josh enjoys reading and going on long, quiet runs.