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Westcliff University’s Entrepreneur-in-Residence program provides students the opportunity to spend one-on-one time with successful serial entrepreneurs and executives as they pursue their own endeavors. The mentorship program is designed to offer practical help and advice to students as they develop their business plans, grow their existing businesses, and launch their entrepreneurial ventures. Mentors are available to meet throughout the academic year. The service is offered free of charge to students, faculty, and alumni. The Westcliff University EIR’s have a wealth of experience in new venture development, advising startups, innovative industries and entrepreneurial education.

Meet our Entrepreneurs-In-Residence

This is an image of the Director of Entrepreneurship at Westcliff University

Name: Dr. Barry Sandrew, Ph.D. 

About Dr. Barry Sandrew: As Westcliff’s Director of Entrepreneurship, Dr. Sandrew established and welcomed the Westcliff IGNITE Incubator’s first class of start-up companies during the 2020-2021 academic year. With the EIR program following as a branch of the IGNITE Incubator, Dr. Sandrew aims to provide mentorship for students and faculty members seeking advice regarding business startups and the monetization of innovation.

This is an image of Westcliff Univerity's Director of Strategy and Business Development, David Zhou

Name: David Zhou, M.B.A.

About David: David Zhou is the Director of Strategy and Business Development, where he oversees the development, planning, and execution of various strategic initiatives and programs at Westcliff University. David has close to 20 years of experience in business and technology strategy, sales, operations, project management, and has worked for both Fortune 500 companies as well as startups in both the United States and Asia.

This is an image of our Entrepreneur in Residence, Holly Han

Name: Holly Han, M.B.A.

About Holly: Holly Han works on entrepreneurial initiatives at Westcliff University. She started her career at Vera Wang and authored a career guide for fashion. She returned to school for her MBA and founded many ventures funded by investors and venture firms. She has worked at the intersection of design, technology, business in media, education, and consulting for the past few decades.

Students interested in learning more, please reach out to our Career Services Department.