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Westcliff University

Cover Letters

Cover Letters

A cover letter provides detailed information as to why you are qualified for the job you are applying for. This does not mean to repeat what’s on your resume but instead give examples as to why you are the best fit for the position. 

At least 26% of recruiters look at cover letters, so if you are one of the few who actually submitted one, that gives you more advantage than other candidates for getting an interview! 

Key Highlights: 

When it comes to writing a cover letter, some of the best practices include:

  • Expressing all the things you cannot capture in a resume by showing who you are as a person, why you want that particular position, what interest you have in the company, and why you are leaving your current position (if applicable).
  • You want to grab the reader’s attention and you can do this by advertising your brand and conveying how and why the company’s mission and values resonate with you most. 
  • It’s good to understand that a little goes a long way in a cover letter. We recommend to keep it simple, roughly to 2-3 paragraphs. 

Most importantly, you want to make each cover letter specific to the job you are targeting to give more originality and meaning to your letter. 

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Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

Mahatma Gandhi