Westcliff University in the News
Westcliff University Faculty Member, Dr. Amarjit Singh, Addresses Common Mistakes with Money Management
3/1/2023: Westcliff’s University’s very own faculty member, Assistant Professor, Dr. Amarjit Singh, has yet another feature on WalletHub.com as a WalletHub expert addresses the most common misconception people have when comes to managing their money.
WalletHub is the first-ever website to offer free credit scores and full credit reports that are updated on a daily basis. WalletHub’s brain performs three primary functions, providing: 1) Customized credit-improvement advice; 2) Personalized savings alerts; and 3) 24/7 wallet surveillance. Such features are supplemented by more reviews of financial products, professionals and companies than any other website offers and a diverse community of subject matter experts. WalletHub is owned by Evolution Finance, Inc. and is based in Miami, FL.
See Dr. Singh’s Expert Advice and visit the WalletHub Website.
WU Director of Entrepreneurship, Dr. Barry Sandrew, Compares the Pros and Cons of IT Bootcamps Versus Degree Programs
10/3/2022: Westcliff’s Director of Entrepreneurship, Dr. Barry Sandrew, was featured in an article by Government Technology comparing the pros and cons of IT Bootcamp programs versus full degree programs. Dr. Sandrew notes the effectiveness of bootcamp programs in general as well as discussing the effectiveness Westcliff’s very own bootcamp program for individuals interested in pursuing the information technology career path.
Govtech.com is the online portal to Government Technology, a division of e.Republic, Inc. Government Technology and its sister publications are an award-winning family of magazines covering information technology’s role in state and local governments. Through in-depth coverage of IT case studies, emerging technologies and the implications of digital technology on the policies and management of public sector organizations, Government Technology chronicles the dynamics of governing in the information age.
See Dr. Sandrew’s feature and visit the Government Technology Website.
Westcliff University Faculty Member, Dr. Amarjit Singh, Provides Small Business Credit Card Insight as WalletHub Expert!
9/27/2022: Westcliff’s University’s very own faculty member, Assistant Professor, Dr. Amarjit Singh, was featured on WalletHub.com as a WalletHub expert providing insight on whether small business owners and entrepreneurs should apply for secured business credit cards and how to go about doing so.
WalletHub is the first-ever website to offer free credit scores and full credit reports that are updated on a daily basis. WalletHub’s brain performs three primary functions, providing: 1) Customized credit-improvement advice; 2) Personalized savings alerts; and 3) 24/7 wallet surveillance. Such features are supplemented by more reviews of financial products, professionals and companies than any other website offers and a diverse community of subject matter experts. WalletHub is owned by Evolution Finance, Inc. and is based in Miami, FL.
See Dr. Singh’s Expert Advice and visit the WalletHub Website.
President and CEO, Dr. Anthony Lee, Featured in Orange County Business Journal’s 8th Annual Innovator of the Year Awards Special Report
8/24/2022: Westcliff’s President and CEO, Dr. Anthony Lee, has been nominated by the Orange County Business Journal (OCBJ) 2022 Innovator of the Year Award! This award recognizes and celebrates individuals and their organizations who are creating innovative ideas, products, services, and demonstrating leadership in innovation. The honorees range from top executives at the largest publicly traded or privately held companies to up-and-comers, as well as a diverse group of governmental, philanthropic, religious, and other civic representatives who contribute to the community of business. Featured executives are selected after months of extensive research in dozens of industries and business categories that dominate Orange County.
The OCBJ IOTY Special Report consists of our 74 outstanding nominees plus articles of interest from Innovator of the Year sponsors and advertisers.
See the Orange County Business Journal Special Report and visit the OCBJ Website.
Westcliff University’s Associate Director of Career Services, Amy DiBello, Details Three Ways to Prepare for and Successfully Land a Student Internship
8/15/2022: Westcliff’s very own Associate Director of Career Services, Amy DiBello, was featured in EmergingEdTech’s Professional Development Weblog providing students insight into three different ways to prepare for and successfully land a student internship. Her article sheds light on how students need to not only understand but brand their most valuable assets, how to find a delicate balance between their confidence and humility, and how to showcase their technical skills to impress employers and recruiters.
EmergingEdTech is a personal weblog run by Founder, Kelly Walsh, to interact and connect with a worldwide community of educators and technologists, exploring the use of technology as an instructional tool and student success enabler.
Read Amy DiBello’s featured article on the EmergingEdTech website.
Westcliff University’s Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Julie Ciancio, Offers Insight on the College Application Process
1/3/2022: Westcliff’s Chief Academic Officer and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Julie Ciancio, was featured in the December/January 2021-2022 edition of Campus News. Her featured article offers advice to new and incoming college freshmen who are venturing their college application process for the first time. She offers insight on how to plan ahead, sign up for financial aid, prepare for the SAT/ACT, and how to network with staff, faculty and alumni on LinkedIn and at different colleges and universities.
Campus News is a monthly, tabloid-size newspaper. The campuses embrace it. Student readers love it. Its student writers go on to prestigious four-year journalism programs and intern at top national publications. In February 2010, the first issue of Campus News hit a dozen two-year colleges in the New York Metro area. It now is a staple in scores of racks at 27 campuses as well as news boxes outside college entrances in New York City.
Read about Dr. Ciancio’s in-depth college application checklist on Page 4 and 5 of the December/January 2021-2022 edition of Campus News.
Westcliff University in the OCBJ 500 List
11/15/2021: Our very own President and CEO, Dr. Anthony Lee, has been selected by the Orange County Business Journal for its OC 500 list! This list honors the most influential individuals throughout Orange County. Honorees range from top executives at the largest publicly traded or privately held companies to up-and-comers, as well as a diverse group of governmental, philanthropic, religious, and other civic representatives who contribute to the community of business. Featured executives are selected after months of extensive research in dozens of industries and business categories that dominate Orange County.
The OC 500 is a bound book that will be distributed to subscribers of the OCBJ this month, providing readers an up-close look at the top 500 people driving local, economic growth in Orange County. With a print circulation of over 18,000, the OCBJ will serve as a platform to give readers the opportunity to learn more about Westcliff University.
Westcliff University has also placed the attached ad in the publication as well, providing us the opportunity to position the Westcliff University brand alongside the most influential leaders and companies in Orange County.
See the Orange County Business Journal Publication on the OCBJ Website.
Westcliff University Bachelor of Business Administration Student, Sara Weber, Awarded as Female Student Leader of the Year by National Association of Collegiate E-Sports (NACE)
9/13/2021: The National Association of Collegiate E-Sports (NACE) announced the selection and award to Westcliff’s very own BBA Student, Sara Weber, as Female Student Leader of the Year. The NACE holds membership for over 200 colleges and universities, so we are incredibly proud to recognize Sara for her accomplishments in the 2021 NACE Awards.
See her award on the NACE Website.
Westcliff University Alumna, Sophia Romanic, Selected by U.S. Department of State for Prestigious Virtual English Language Teaching Fellowship
8/3/2021: The U.S. Department of State announced the selection of Westcliff University alumna, Sophia Romanic, for virtual fellowship, engaging with English language learners and teachers online in Ukraine at Zaporizhzhya National University. Romanic is among the first to be selected for the Virtual English Language Fellow Program, a new program created for the 2020-2021 academic year.
Read more about her selection with the official press release released by the U.S. Department of State.
How COVID-19 Created Opportunities for Teachers and Students
5/5/2021: Campus Technology recognized our very own President and CEO, Dr. Anthony Lee, and Dean of Academic Operations and Initiatives, Dr. Matthew Hubbs, in their educational blog. Read their perspective of How COVID-19 Created Opportunities for Teachers and Students.
“There’s no doubt that the pandemic caused incredible upheaval in higher education — but the positive impacts of that disruption are significant. Here’s how the shift to online learning will benefit both faculty and students moving forward.”
-Dr. Anthony Lee, Dr. Matthew Hubbs
Read more about their feature here: How COVID-19 Created Opportunities for Teachers and Students
Westcliff Leadership in the News
4/30/2021: Exciting news; our very own President and CEO, Dr. Anthony Lee, and Dean of Academic Operations and Initiatives, Dr. Matthew Hubbs, have been featured in an educational blog; Commercial Café. Read their thoughts and views on online teaching as part of the Expert Roundup here: https://www.commercialcafe.com/blog/expert-roundup-professors-thoughts-on-online-teaching/.
They shared their perspectives in response to some critical questions about how the pandemic has affected educators and students, such as:
- How online teaching has changed the educational system?
- Is online learning more cost effective and could it improve the allocated budget for online resources?
- When schools start reopening, could online classes still be an option for students?
Also, check out the National Communication Association’s podcast on The Future of Education: Identifying Challenges and Opportunities in Pandemic Learning where Dr. Matthew Hubbs participated as a panelist and representative of Westcliff.
The podcast focused on how COVID-19 has changed higher education and how these changes relate to best practices in teaching and learning, including the timely issues of diversity and equity.
Stay tuned for more of Westcliff in the news!
Association for Corporate Growth – Orange County Awards
4/16/2021: The Association for Corporate Growth – Orange County chapter (“ACG-OC“) has published a list of finalists for the professional advisory organization’s 26th Annual ACG Awards. The ACG is a global organization with 56 chapters involved in corporate growth, corporate development, and mergers and acquisitions.
Westcliff University is one of three finalists in the growth category, which have been selected from a list of more than 70 nominated businesses headquartered in Orange County and Inland Empire. Finalists will be honored via a virtual awards ceremony presentation on June 10th, the theme this year is “Excellence Reimagined,” which is focused on companies that have exceptionally adapted during this pandemic.
Read more with the official press release released by the ACG-OC.
Westcliff University Faculty Member, Dr. Miralynn Faigao Malupa, Selected by U.S. Department of State for Prestigious English Language Specialist Project
3/1/2021: Our very own College of Education faculty member, Dr. Mira Malupa, was recognized by the U.S. Department of State for Prestigious English Language Specialist Project focusing on Teacher Training and Community of Practice Development in Poland (and neighboring countries: Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine). The English Language Specialist Program is the premier opportunity for leaders in the field of teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) to enact meaningful and sustainable changes in the way that English is taught abroad, and is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) with funding provided by the U.S. government.
Read more about her selection with the official press release released by the U.S. Department of State.
Remote Learning in the Pandemic: Lessons Learned
12/28/2020: Our Dean of Academic Operations and Initiatives, Dr. Matthew Hubbs, was the featured subject matter expert and author for Campus Technology (www.campustechnology.com) for the month of December. Dr. Hubbs discusses how the shift to online learning in response to COVID-19 has revealed pedagogical benefits that will carry on into the future of education. Despite the difficult measures that have transpired due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Hubbs also talks about what Westcliff University has learned to ensure both short-term, and long-term student and faculty success.
Read his insights and feature article in Campus Technology. Go to Campus Technology.
5 Things That Should Be Done to Improve the U.S. Educational System
12/10/2020: Our very own President and CEO of Westcliff University, Dr. Anthony M. Lee was featured in an interview with Authority Magazine discussing 5 things that need to be done to further improve the educational system in the United States. Dr. Lee talks about the importance of prioritizing communication skills, integrating social-emotional learning, and why he feels that STEM education is paving the way for the industries of tomorrow.
This feature-interview is not only exciting for the Westcliff family but also very insightful as it shares viewpoints and perspectives from the mind of Westcliff’s very own President and CEO.
Read his insights and full interview in Authority Magazine. Go to Authority Magazine
Why Sport And Exercise Are So Important For College And University Students
11/15/2020: Our very own Dean of Athletics, Shawn Harris, was highlighted as a contributor to a recent story in The Sport Review discussing the importance of sports and exercise in college students. Shawn mentions how “learning how to manage time between their sport and their studies provides a solid foundation for work/life balance and teaches the importance of discipline in their everyday schedules”. Additionally, he shares some thoughts about how sports contribute to the development of social skills that translate into life skills.
This feature is very exciting for our Westcliff family as not only is Shawn Harris quoted in this article, but also one of our Women’s Soccer players, Jada Ware, is quoted giving a student athlete’s perspective.
You can read the full article HERE.