group photo of westcliff graduates in cap and gown outside on some steps
group photo of westcliff graduates in cap and gown outside on some steps

WU News

College of Business News

MBA Online: Is It Right For You?

With starting salaries at 50% higher than what MBA online students were earning in the year before starting school, it is no wonder that interest about this strong degree program continues to rise (Eduventures, 2012;…

Business Degree Considerations

Approximately 20 percent of the undergraduate degrees received annually in the US are some type of business degree. It is one of the nation’s more popular college majors. According to a recent survey (NACE Job…

Honorary Doctorate Graduation

On September 29, 2016, Westcliff University, in collaboration with the Glorious China Association, held an honorary DBA ceremony in Hong Kong. In attendance were Dr. Anthony Lee, CEO and Dr. David McKinney, Provost. All the graduates…