group photo of westcliff graduates in cap and gown outside on some steps
group photo of westcliff graduates in cap and gown outside on some steps

WU News

College of Education News

Planning and Pacing

Have you ever been in a class or meeting that has felt VERY long? We all have! But hopefully you have also experienced exciting classes that fly by!

Interactive Presentations

How do you engage students in your classes?  Do you incorporate interesting slides and embed questions in your presentations? When we make teaching slides for class, it can be easy to overwhelm our students with…

Game-based Learning: Kahoot

Kahoot is a free game-based learning platform that is sure to increase engagement, incite competition, and bring out some smiles! Many educators use this application to reinforce concepts or preview students’ previous knowledge prior to…

Using Google Tools

By Professor Jennifer Hirashiki Google Tools have so many great features for having students work together. The ability to have multiple people working on a shared doc can really be an asset to classes both…