Consumer Information Disclosures

Consumer Information Disclosures

The Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), includes many disclosures and reporting requirements. A disclosure requirement is information that a postsecondary education institution is required to distribute or make available to another party, such as students or employees. A reporting requirement is information submitted to the U.S. Department of Education or other agencies. Disclosure and reporting requirements sometimes overlap for certain topics.


Institutions are required to make certain disclosure, reports, and other types of information available to students or others and to submit information to the Department of Education. This includes:

  • Accreditation and state authorization approvals
  • General information about the school
  • The retention, completion, and graduation rates of students at the school
  • Job placement and types professional education pursued by graduates of 4-year degree program
  • Basic financial aid information
  • Campus security policies and crime statistics Drug and alcohol abuse prevention information
  • Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act reports
  • Information about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and campus privacy policies
  • Contact information to receive additional information about these disclosures and to request paper copies

It is Westcliff University’s hope that centralization of this information makes it easier for prospective students, enrolled students and their families to access information that will allow them to make informed decisions about postsecondary education. Much of this information can also be found within the Catalog and Student Handbook.

If you need more information about a specific disclosure or would like a paper copy, please use this contact list to connect with the right person. General department contact information can be found at the bottom of this page.


Accreditation & State Authorization




Westcliff University is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). WSCUC is an institutional accrediting body recognized by the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

1080 Marina Village Parkway, Suite 500
Alameda, CA 94501
(510) 748-9797

ACBSP Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs

Westcliff University College of Business is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). Founded in 1988, ACBSP ignites a standard of excellence with an accreditation process based on the Baldrige Education Criteria for Performance Excellence. ACBSP accreditation focuses on recognizing teaching excellence, determining student learning outcomes, and a continuous improvement model. Institutions with programs accredited by ACBSP are committed to continuous improvement that ensures their business program will give students the skills employers want. To learn more, please visit the ACBSP website.

Address: 8101 College Blvd #100, Overland Park, KS 66210
Phone: (913) 339-9356

Adverse Actions

No state entity or accrediting agency has initiated any adverse actions against Westcliff University.

Textbook List

Students can refer to the list of required textbooks for Westcliff University’s programs.

State Authorization

State authorization for student enrollment refers to the process by which educational institutions obtain approval or authorization from individual states to offer educational programs to residents of those states. This authorization is typically required to ensure that the institution meets certain standards and regulations set forth by the state’s higher education governing body or agency.

State authorization ensures that institutions adhere to specific requirements regarding curriculum, faculty qualifications, facilities, student support services, and financial stability. It also serves to protect students by ensuring that they have access to quality education and recourse in case of any issues or disputes.

Westcliff University has been approved for authorization in the following states.

Home State:


Westcliff University received authorization from the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education to offer its programs online.

Other States:


Westcliff University’s programs are not under the jurisdiction of the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education since the university has no physical presence in Arizona.


Westcliff University’s online programs and activities do not constitute physical presence within Colorado; therefore, Colorado Department of Higher Education approval is not required to continue offering online degree and certificate programs.


Westcliff University is approved by the Florida Commission of Independent Education to offer programs at the Miami and Orlando campuses.


Westcliff University does not have physical presence in the State of Hawaii; therefore, authorization from the Hawai’i Post-Secondary Education Authorization Program (HPEAP) is not required.


Westcliff University does not have a physical presence in the State of Idaho, therefore authorization from the Idaho State Board of Education is not required.


Westcliff University received approval from the Illinois Board of Higher Education to operate in Illinois.


Westcliff University does not have a physical facility in the State of Kentucky, therefore authorization from the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education is not required.


Westcliff University does not have a physical facility in the State of Louisiana, therefore authorization from the Board of Regents – State of Louisiana is not required.


Westcliff University does not have a physical presence in the State of Maine, therefore Westcliff is exempt from state authorization from the Maine Department of Education.


Westcliff University does not have a physical presence in the State of Massachusetts and, therefore, is not required to be licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education.


Westcliff University received authorization from the Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Opportunity – Office of Employment & Training to offer online courses/programs to Michigan residents.


Westcliff University has received a Certificate of Registration from the Mississippi Community College Board Commission on Proprietary School and College Registration to offer its programs online.


Westcliff University does not have a physical presence in the State of Missouri and, therefore, is not required to be licensed by the Missouri Department of Higher Education.


Westcliff University has no physical presence in Nebraska and is not required to seek authorization from the Nebraska Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education to offer online courses or programs.


Westcliff University has received a Nevada Exemption for Distance Education.

New Hampshire

Westcliff University offers online education to New Hampshire residents, which does not require authorization by the New Hampshire Department of Education.

New Jersey

Westcliff University fully meets state regulation N.J.S.A. 18A:3-15.3, requiring all out-of-state institutions to have received accreditation from bodies recognized by the Council of Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or U.S. Department of Education as a duly authorized institution of higher education.


Westcliff University is exempt from the authorization of the Ohio Board of Regents.


Westcliff University does not require authorization from the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to offer online-only degree-related distance education in Oklahoma.


Westcliff University has received approval from the Pennsylvania Department of Education to operate in Pennsylvania.

South Carolina

Westcliff University is not required to seek licensure with the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education, since physical presence in the state is not established.

South Dakota

Westcliff University is not required to seek licensure with the South Dakota Secretary of State, since physical presence in the state is not established.


Westcliff University is not required to seek licensure with the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, since physical presence in the state is not established.


Westcliff University is exempt from oversight of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board since there is no physical presence in the state.


Westcliff University has received approval from the Utah Department of Commerce to operate in Utah.


Westcliff University is not required to seek licensure with the Vermont General Assembly, since physical presence in the state is not established.


Westcliff University has received approval from the Washington Student Achievement Council to operate in Washington.


State Contact Information for Student Complaints

Please click HERE for state consumer complaint contact information.

General Institutional Information

Name of Institution: Westcliff University
Year Founded: 1993



17877 Von Karman Ave, 4th Floor
Irvine, CA 92614
(949) 825-5999

Santa Monica
401 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 200
Santa Monica, CA 90401


85 Brickell Bay Dr, 18th Floor
Miami, FL 33131

715 Bloom St, Suite 200
Orlando, FL 34747

University’s Mission:

Westcliff University’s mission is to Educate, Inspire, and Empower students from around the world to achieve personal and professional success by providing practical, innovative, high-quality campus and online programs.

Important Institutional and Financial Aid Information

Institutional Policies including many of those listed below can also be found in the most recent Catalog and Student Handbook.

Academic Programs – see the most recent Catalog and Student Handbook for details about course offerings, program requirements, and faculty information. Individual program information can also be found using the following links:

Western State College of Law

Accreditation, Approval, and/or Licensure – see above and most recent Catalog and Student Handbook

Copyright Infringement Policies or Sanctions – see most recent Catalog and Student Handbook

Transfer of Credit Policy

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy

Withdrawal Policy

Student Outcomes

Career Placement Services

Financial Aid

Tuition Refund Policy

Annual Security Report

Campus Crime Log

The crime log is not currently available online; however, requests may be made at the front desk of the WU Irvine Campus and Western State College of Law.

Disability Services and Facilities

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Materials

Non-Discrimination Policy

Student Body Diversity

Please see student enrollment at: Westcliff University

Equity in Athletics (EADA) Report

Student Activities

Voter Registration Forms

Pre-Dispute Arbitration and Class Action Waiver Disclosure
Schools cannot require Title IV loan borrowers to participate in arbitration or any internal dispute resolution process offered by the institution prior to filing a borrower defense to repayment application with the Department of Education or presenting a complaint to an accrediting agency or government agency authorized to hear the complaint. Additionally, pursuant 34 CFR 685.300(e) and 34 CFR 685.300(f) schools may not rely on a pre-dispute arbitration agreement or any other pre-dispute agreement with a student who has obtained or benefitted from a Title IV Direct Loan with respect to any aspect of a class action related to a borrower defense claim; or enter into or seek to rely on a pre-dispute agreement to arbitrate any aspect of a borrower defense claim.

Westcliff University does not restrict students from taking any form of legal action or exercising their rights for filing complaints or applying for borrower defense to repayment.

Vaccination Policy

Westcliff University has no vaccination requirements.

Constitution Day and Citizenship Day in United States

Constitution Day and Citizenship Day is a combined event that is annually observed in the United States on September 17. This event commemorates the formation and signing of the Constitution of the United States on September 17, 1787. It also recognizes all who, by coming of age or by naturalization, have become US citizens.

With regard to the U.S.A. constitution, in the summer of 1787 delegates convened in Philadelphia to create “a more perfect union” and to craft the country’s constitution. They worked to develop a framework that would provide balance and freedom, taking into account federal and state interests, as well as individual human rights. The delegates signed the Constitution of the United States on September 17 that year. By June 21, 1788, the constitution was effective, having been approved by nine of the 13 states.

On February 29, 1952, President Harry Truman signed into law “Citizenship Day”. On August 2, 1956, the Congress requested that the president proclaim the week beginning September 17 and ending September 23 of each year as “Constitution Week”. A federal law enacted in December 2004 designated September 17 as “Constitution Day and Citizenship Day”.

When Constitution Day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or on another holiday, the day must be held on a weekday during the preceding or following week.

Advertisement and Promotional Disclosure

Use of “Free” and “Guarantee”

All advertisements and promotional literature accurately reflect the programs and services offered by Westcliff University. The word “guarantee” is never used in advertisements. Under limited and exceptional circumstances, the institution may use the word “free” when it is appropriate to the mission and purpose of the Westcliff University. Advertisements are appropriately published under a section identified for education, training, or instruction and do not imply that employment is being offered.

Westcliff University provides applicants only with information authorized by my institution regarding the occupational opportunities for graduates, and never make claims “guaranteeing” employment, job promotion prospects or income increases to an applicant.

Westcliff University provides only full and accurate information on the transferability of academic credits and acceptance of degrees or credentials by other educational institutions, and discloses affirmatively the fact that the acceptance of credits and degrees is entirely the prerogative of the receiving institution and acceptance cannot be “guaranteed.”

Department Contact Information

Westcliff Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday: 7:00 am to 7:00 pm PST
Saturday: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm PST

Current students can contact any department using this form.

For IT assistance, please visit: IT Ticket

Front Desk
Phone: (949) 825-5999

Academic Program Information (Registrar Department)
Phone: (949) 825-5999 x6

Phone: (949) 825-5999 x

Alumni Affairs
Phone: (949) 825-5999 x8

Athletic Operations
Phone: (949) 825-5999 x9

Business Intelligence
Phone: (949) 825-5999 x5069

Career Services
Phone: (949) 825-5999 x8

College of Business
Phone: (949) 825-5999 x5430

College of Education
Phone: (949) 825-5999 x5133

College of Technology and Engineering
Phone: (949) 825-5999 x5277

Facilities/ Security
Phone: (949) 825-5999 x5322

Financial Aid
Phone: (949) 825-5999 x5

Information & Technology
Phone: (949) 825-5999 x7

International Affairs
Phone: (949) 825-5999 x2

Phone: (949) 825-5999 x6

Student Accounts
Phone: (949) 825-5999 x4

Student Affairs
Phone: (949) 825-5999 x5369

Student Services
Phone: (949) 825-5999 x3

Accreditor and CA State Licensing Contact Information



WASC Senior College and University Commission

985 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 100
Alameda, CA 94501
(510) 748-9001

Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education

2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 400
Sacramento, CA 95833
Phone: (949) 370-7589
Fax: (916) 263-1897