Asking the right questions (at a private language school) during a TEFL interview
Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash
Knowing the right questions to ask during a TEFL job interview is very important (especially for new TEFL teachers). Here are some ideas and tips to help prepare you for your upcoming interviews.
Things you’ll need:
Copies of your CV/Resume
Teaching Portfolio
The Right Questions
If you land a job interview at a private language school, think about what kinds of questions you’d like to ask your potential employer beforehand. If you need help, use the following list as a guide to help you during your TEFL interview.
- How many working hours (approximately) can be guaranteed per week/month)?
- What are the non-teaching duties, if any?
- How many students are in each class?
- What kinds of students (business, adults, children, general English)?
- Is most teaching for class groups or one-on-one?
- Are most classes onsite and if not is reimbursement for travel expenses given?
- What materials and teaching resources are available at the school?
- Do teachers have access to a copy machine and how many copies are allowed?
- Is any professional or career development offered or available?
- Is there a probation period?
- What kinds of contracts are offered, if any?
- How much is the salary or wage per hour?
- How often are teachers paid?
- What about tax issues and salary after tax?
- Cost of visa?
- Are flights paid for or reimbursed?
- What kind of help is provided with accommodation?
- Is health insurance included, if not what do they suggest?
- What is the cost of living in the area?
- What is the cost of local transport in the area?
- How early can you start?

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash
Good luck with your interviews!
- Jobs in private language schools usually don’t pay teachers for their lesson planning preparation time. What is paid for is the in-class face to face hours with your students (i.e., your time teaching in the classroom).
- Be aware that any more than 20 (max 30) hours in the classroom is just about the limit for any teacher.
- Keep in mind that you need time for lesson planning, grading or commenting on students’ written work, and last but not least, time to recuperate from teacher/student contact.